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Sustain Safaris Covid-19 Action Plan


Our COVID-19 Action Plan includes the following:


  • Our designated COVID-19 Health and Safety Officer (COVID-19 Officer) will be the owner and head guide, Michael Wright.

  • Continual monitoring and communication of all current and updated information provided by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the global status of Covid-19.

  • Information will be provided to staff on an ongoing basis to safeguarding human life and well-being by:

    • Keeping all staff continually updated on developments;

    • Providing clear mandates for increased personal hygiene;

    • Facilitating additional hygiene amenities for all travellers;

    • Educating all staff and guides on emergency procedures in the event of an incident;

    • Ensuring health & safety protocols are communicated to all third-party suppliers;

  • Sustain Safaris continues to accept travellers on condition they have agreed to undertake and provide the results of their comprehensive screening 2 weeks prior to travelling.

  • Guides and drivers have been fully trained on best practice procedures for limiting and containing any risk of infection, including:

    • Implementing a high level of cleanliness on vehicles, facilities and equipment;

    • Providing hand-sanitisers in all tour, game drive and transfer vehicles;

    • Encouraging travellers to wash their hands more frequently throughout the journey;

    • A best-practice action plan should a traveller present with flu-like symptoms.

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is supplied and personally accessible for both guests and staff should the need arise.

  • No cases of the COVID-19 virus have been suspected or occurred during any private or group experiences including at any of the lodges and safari camps we make use of, and this is continuously monitored.

  • An incident reporting system is in place for staff to be proactive in attaining medical support at all times.

  • Continuous risk assessment will occur and any individuals who display symptoms and meet criteria for testing will be identified and speedily directed through the correct procedures and medical channels.


These statements are subject to change as we continue to monitor and learn about Covid-19 and how it affects the realms of travel.


Responsibilities of Sustain Safaris’ COVID-19 Officer include:


  • Risk assessments of all aspects of operation in-line with the Department of Labour COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces if more than 10 people are employed;

  • Develop, maintain and implement prevention and solution strategies:

    • Improved hygiene and sanitizing procedures (including schedules/logbooks) per area/facility/vehicle category etc.;

    • Special area cleaning procedures – as required;

    • Capacity limits and controls;

    • Physical/social distancing plans;

    • Guest/client procedures;

    • Staff procedures;

    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) standards for staff;

    • PPE standards for guests/clients;

    • Procedures for staff with symptoms, and/or suspected COVID-19;

    • Procedures for guests/clients with symptoms, and/or suspected COVID-19;

  • Monitoring the implementation of the protocols and the effectiveness of the measures undertaken;

  • Monitoring overall compliance, identifying and correcting gaps, and adapting the plan to practical experience;

  • Monitoring compliance with correct PPE usage – observing, spot checks etc.;

  • Maintain staff and guest/client/visitor/passenger health records;

  • Maintaining and checking logs of cleaning activities;

  • Maintaining and managing stock and use of PPE;

  • Oversight of all staff and guest training and information provision;

  • Independent Third-Party Hygiene Audits – as required;

  • Independent Third-Party decontamination cleans – as required;

  • Monitoring compliance with the Department of Labour COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces.


The COVID-19 Officer will ensure they keep in touch with their primary representative association and the TBCSA, as well as the WHO, National Department of Health (DoH), the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), and the relevant Provincial departments of health with respect to recommendations and guidelines for travel, tourism and hospitality operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Guest/Clients Medical Declaration: Medical and Travel Status and Access


All Guests/Clients will be required to complete a Medical and Travel declaration. This will be on arrival/check-in/boarding/entering/pick-up, as appropriate. All Guests/Clients must compete the form, not just the contracting party.


The declaration must be signed on arrival/check-in/boarding/pick-up to ensure it is up-to-date. In addition, Sustain will ask several questions up on booking/reservation, may suggest that high-risk individuals postpone their trip, or may decline the reservation.


Declaration Form includes:

  • General health, chronic and other conditions, and medication;

  • Physical impairments;

  • Symptoms prior 30 days;

  • Smoker status and fitness level;

  • COVID-19 history;

  • COVID-19 status disclosure signed-off;

  • Record of trip – full current trip itinerary (past and future) for tracing;

  • Recent travel history other than this trip – 1 month;

  • Next of kin/friend not travelling with you name and contact details;

  • Nationality;

  • ID or passport number;

  • Travel insurance declaration and proof (international guests).


A simple risk rating between 1 and 10 will be completed on the form by the supervising staff member. Should a score exceed 5 additional precautions will be taken. Should a score exceed 8, the client will be required to undertake a test before proceeding.


Click here to download our Client Medical Declaration Form.


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