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Client Reviews from some of the previous expeditions we have undertaken with them:


Most of South Africa − 21-day tour

Michael is a really great specialist in local nature, birds and animals. We had great pleasure traveling with him and I was happy to meet him! Thank you so much for the excellent logistics and great company! I look forward to continued cooperation on future tours!!” 

– Sergey Volkov, ornithologist from Moscow, Russia – March 2021.


Most of South Africa − 21-day tour

Perfect trip with impressive list of birds and mammals. Michael Wright, thank you for your support and patience, your professional skills in birding and your positive energy! You are a really easy going person and have a great sense of humor! You did everything to make our trip the most special! Amazing combination of spectacular landscapes, the rarest animals and endemic birds!

– Ekaterina Krasnova, Volgograd, Russia – March 2021.


Maputaland, South Africa − 1-day tour

“Our day birding tour with Michael was wonderful, and we will definitely be returning to Bonamanzi to stay for a few nights in the near future. Finally getting Pink-throated Twinspot was fantastic, seeing Green Malkoha was amazing, and the many species of terns feeding on the catfish on the shoreline at St Lucia beach was a real highlight. We will definitely be recommending Sustain to our friends in Pretoria for their next visits to KwaZulu-Natal.”

− Annemarie Dressler, Pretoria, South Africa − February 2021.


Zululand and Maputaland, South Africa − â€‹5-day tour

“I had a great trip with Michael to some very species rich areas and lots of different habitat types. The tour was filled with adventure and many memorable moments. I was most pleased to pass the 600 bird species mark in Southern Africa, by adding 14 new birds to my lifelist.”

− Annelize Roos, Cape Town, South Africa − January 2021.


Ndumo, Tembe and Sileza, South Africa − 4-day tour

“Birding these great reserves with Michael was a special experience, and we saw many of our target species. Hearing Pel’s Fishing-Owl, but not getting to see it was unfortunate, but it will bring us back again. We were however very happy to finally see African Cuckoo-Hawk, African Finfoot, Neergard’s Sunbird, Woodward’s Batis, Brown Scrub-Robin, Gorgeous Bush-Shrike, Flappet Lark, Grey-rumped Swallows and many other really good birds. We will be contacting you again soon to guide us in the Drakensberg and Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal.”

− Willie Koen, Standerton, South Africa − November 2020.


Maputaland − 3-day tour

“Returning to Royal Thonga Lodge in Tembe Elephant Park has been a dream of mine, as I have special memories from a previous visit. My main goal was to see and photograph African Broadbill, and we had a spectacular sighting and I managed a great photo, which I was most grateful for. We also had a very close encounter with elephants, saw Plain-backed Sunbird, and many great butterflies. I was also startled when an African Crowned Eagle perch 5 metres above our heads on a dead tree.

− Margaret Maciver, Cape Town, South Africa − December 2019.


Eastern South Africa − 7-day tour

“I really enjoyed my tour with Michael and Sustain, and will definitely be in touch for future trips when visiting South Africa again. Despite having previously visited South Africa briefly, as well as Tanzania and Kenya, I still managed to add including 54 bird and several mammal lifers! We also stayed in better accommodation and enjoyed better food than I had envisaged, which was a nice surprise. I will also be referring your company to my colleagues when they plan tours to this region.” 

Thomas De Meulenaer, natural scientist from Belgium – December 2019.


Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park − 2-day tour

“Michael, thank you so much for my first African safari, it was great. I was so excited to see many white rhinos (my main goal), and loved the leopard and elephant sightings too. The crazy monkeys in the camp around our tents was also great excitement. I will definitely recommend your company to colleagues planning to visit Southern Africa.” 

− Helen Karlsson, Sweden − August 2019.


Eastern South Africa − 5-day tour

“We had the most wonderful safari and visit some amazing habitats and parks, with Magoebaskloof, Kruger and Verloren Vallei being real highlight destinations. Of the many special and endemic species we saw, the Black-fronted Bush-Shrike and and African Wild Cat were the real highlights for us. Thank you Michael for the most enjoyable adventure.” 

− Daphne Byron, United States of America − November 2015.

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